Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Philippe Pucheral:

  • PC member of EDBT'14, MOBIWIS'14, EDBT'15, MOBIWIS'15, DATA'15

  • Member of the direction committee of the PRISM Lab.

  • Member of the HDR committee of the STV doctoral school (UVSQ)

  • Elected member of the ED STIC doctoral school of University Paris-Saclay, ’Data, Knowledge and Interactions’ committee (about 250 PhD students)

  • Co-founder of the "Masses de Données Distribuées" French summer school and co-organizer of its last three editions (2010, 2012, 2014)

Luc Bouganim:

  • PC member of EDBT'15, PDA@IOT'14, HardBD'14, EUC'14, BDA'14

  • President of the Inria Post-Doc and Delegation Commission

  • Member of the Inria "Bureau du Comité des Projets" (BCP)

  • Member of the Inria "Cordi-S" (Inria PhD grant) commission

  • Member of the Inria "PES" commission

  • Member of the UVSQ-PRiSM "Conseil de Laboratoire"

Nicolas Anciaux:

  • PC member of BDA'14 Demo. Track

  • Member of the Inria " Commission des Développements Technologiques " (CDT)

Benjamin Nguyen:

  • PC member of ECML-PKDD'14, ACOMP'14, EDA'14

  • Member of APVP Steering Committee

  • Member of recruiting Committee of CNAM'14, Paris-Sud'14

  • Member of PRiSM Steering Committee until 08/14

  • Co-director (with Fabrice Le Guel) of the Institut de la Société du Numérique, Privacy WG.

Quoc-Cuong To:

  • PC member of FDSE'2014

  • External reviewer of EDBT'2014